Quotation Explorer - 'Zakiya And Majid'

Find love with your heart, not with your eyes. - ZAKIYA AND MAJID
I love you, not only for what you are,But for what I am when I am with you. - ZAKIYA AND MAJID
You're special to me in every way. Thank you for being who you are and for letting me be myself. Z_m - ZAKIYA AND MAJID
I love you and that's the beginning and end of everything - ZAKIYA AND MAJID
If you put a little bit of my love in your heart, every tenderness will have a meaning. - ZAKIYA AND MAJID
Within you, I lost myself. Without you, I found myself wanting to be lost again. - ZAKIYA AND MAJID
When I gaze deep into your mind, I am met with the beauty of a thousand diamonds Z_m - ZAKIYA AND MAJID
Just like a candle burns its flame, my heart burns it’s everlasting love for you. - ZAKIYA AND MAJID
Don't fight for someone who wouldn't fight for you. - ZAKIYA AND MAJID
Tum chale jao jab bhi, dekho tumhara rastaZaik tum lout ke na aao aesa kabhi na karna - ZAKIYA AND MAJID
Tum roth jao mujh se aesa kabhi na karnaMain ek nazar ko tarsoun aesa kabhi na karna - ZAKIYA AND MAJID
Knowing that I have found my soul mate makes my life complete. - ZAKIYA AND MAJID
To the world, you may be one person, but to one person you are the world. - ZAKIYA AND MAJID
I love when I wake up in the morning thinking about you. - ZAKIYA AND MAJID
8 letters,3 words,1 meaning….I Love You. - ZAKIYA AND MAJID
Before I met you, I never knew what it was like to be able to look at someone and smile for no reason. - ZAKIYA AND MAJID
When you love me like that, I melt into honey. Let’s be sweet together. - ZAKIYA AND MAJID
You are my heart, my life, my entire existence. Z_m - ZAKIYA AND MAJID
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